Sunday, March 06, 2011


A false fire alarm started our day followed by the closure of our preferred F train. This led us to Brooklyn for the first time, and though we never surfaced we managed to have what I call our first New York moment. 

A young man with two black eyes screamed detour options to a group of Spanish speaking women until another local offered her advise. Arguing commenced with the young man finally agreeing with her detour option then proceeding to shout it to the women, not because of their limited English but just because that was the only volume his voice had. 

We shopped at a flee market in Hell's Kitchen, wondered lost through Chelsea, then relaxed for awhile in Washington Park on the NYU main campus. Many musicians accompanied the warm sunny day, but the one who stood out the most did so by bringing out his upright piano on movers' dollies. 

We grabbed lunch at a taqueria near our hotel on the Lower Ease Side then shopped between Chinatown and Little Italy before finalizing plans with our friend Laura to meet up for some dinner and comedy. We followed Indian food with The Political Subversives (a musical satire improv troop - think "The Daily Show" meets "Glee") then finished catching up over hot chocolate and cake at a subway station serving both of our needed lines. This marked the first time we had to wait for a train really at all, but expecting more at 1am might be greedy. 


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