Friday, March 04, 2011

Past the Pasta

The PKE readings we observed at the New York Public Library measured off the charts, but since the card catalog from "Ghostbusters" had long ago been digitized we found no reason to flee down its steps upon our exit. Now new specters haunt its halls leeching WiFi from laptops within minutes of its daily opening. 

A short walk led us to Times Square where we smiled for the webcam for Jeanne's father, explored a few touristy shops, then met our neighbor Dan who moved to Albany last year. We checked out the city from the observation deck atop Rockefeller Center then headed to midtown for some Italian food. 

Portions once again became our adversary as my lobster risotto came topped with half a lobster. Jeanne's porcini ravioli arrived smothered in a mushroomy cream sauce, and I'll have to remember to make a lentil salad by adding just olive oil and olives. 

We stumbled out and walked through FAO Schwartz and narrowly avoided dancing on the "Big" piano then wondered about in Central Park before hitting up the MOMA.  Jeanne's excitement over seeing Wyeth's "Christina's World" and learning of her affliction with polio made my day. 

We took Dan on the subway back to our part of town near Little Italy for appetizers finished off with his cravings for cannoli and grappa and felt almost like locals as we easily led him to the subway he needed to transfer to his train at Penn Station. 

Other than Jeanne still pining for a folded slice of pizza we may have OD'ed on Italian for this trip.  


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