Saturday, February 06, 2010

This Drug Store Life

So we're at Walgreens where I normally amuse myself giggling at the many "as seen on TV" products in a vain effort to subdue my own desire to make impulse purchases. From hearing aids shaped like bluetooth headsets to make you look like "one of those people" rather than admitting you're getting older or spent your youth too near the front of the concert stage all the way to that oscillating dumbbell as featured too many times on "The Daily Show" I feel my need for humor met splendidly. Then we go to check out.

After receiving both her receipt and one of those pre-printed coupon lists, the customer in front of us decides to return the coupons and asks the clerk to "recycle" them for her. We've reached a whole new level of environmental distancing. From "it's OK to buy all of those water bottles because they can be recycled, right?" all the way to "why don't you do it for me" we see the remnants of responsibility disregarded in a phantom "paper only" bin the clerk must be hiding beneath the strange candy he's forced to offer each customer.

She leaves with her two overflowing single use plastic bags, and the clerk fearing a movement has begun decides not to offer us any said coupons.