Thursday, November 15, 2007


My plan was to fill this blog with all of the culture shock photos and videos that accompanied us home from our recent trip to Japan.

To our advantage thanks in no small part to Northwest Airlines we arrived in Tokyo in the evening during which we never would encounter a single instance of subway congestion to the same degree we would on every morning thereafter including the day we left complete with backpacks, carry-on sized luggage, and one small bag filled with accumulated dirty laundry separated to alleviate room for our surplus of souvenirs. Yes, the trains arrive every two minutes all morning. Notice the guy who exits with his cell phone to the left allowing others to board but still finding his way back on in the end. No one pays attention to the signals being performed by the guy on the right, and the pink stickers on the windows of the last car signify that it's a women only car in the morning to lessen instances of groping whether incidental or purposeful. Though a dead silence and meditative state exists onboard, everyone runs to meet their connecting train as if some yelled fire when they exit.

While making our way across and through the Godzilla sized railway terminal that is Kyoto Station this restaurant caught our attention, as we had sampled such formats at home in Portland but desired to see the original take on the subject, which turned out to be better selection, more raw offerings, and a simpler pricing structure: ~$1.25 per plate with more expensive items in less quantity per plate as opposed to the color schemes with which we deal in America graduating anywhere from $2 to $4.

At this Olympic stadium sized venue for the distribution of freshly caught fish and imported fruits and vegetables we bore witness to what at the time we thought was a hilarious auction for cantaloupe until a few days later when we'd hap upon one in a regular store for the asking price of almost $20!

And now for the photo funnies:

Diagonally oriented toilets with armrest consoles to rival that of the Star Trek Enterprise

Kabuki Christ

Off Off Off Broadway Productions

Demolition project taking place on top of a ten story building

Tools for Dr. Evil

Signposts with fingers instead of arrows

Food displays complete with floating chopsticks

Killer Crabs

Classic Carports

Tommy Lee Jones crazed and selling coffees in a can served warm directly from the vending machine

Udon Vending

???Pachinko Parlor???

Kimono Colonel

The Colonel does Xmas

Abbreviated Holidays

Peace Out

"What kind of movies do you like?
I like a good drama or some bright american
comedy The latter is sometimes very elever and
amusing Do your parents like the movies?
Yes very much They go once or twice every
week and I always go with them"

See you next time!